Earth Hour 2009

The whole family participated in Earth Hour last Saturday. It was just one hour, so we decided to turn off all computers and lights and just use candles. For almost the whole hour we played our little game of Whosis.. Each person takes turns saying "Whosis, whosis?" and says a line from a movie. The other players would try to guess the character who said it and the movie that it was from. Examples from last weekend's game:
Q: Whosis, whosis -- "I'm wishing, I'm wishing.. for the one I love"
A: Snow White!
Q: Whosis, whosis -- "This thing is wicked!"
A: The soldier from the movie Transformers
Q: Whosis, whosis -- "Where.. is .. my .. super .. suit?"
A: Frozone from The Incredibles
It helps that we're always watching the same movies over and over again, ha ha.. It's hard to not memorize all of those funny lines.
But it helped pass the hour. AND hopefully we were able to make a difference in the minds of our kids and in the environment.